The Current Board of FESAT is made of 7 members as follows:
1 president
Hans Volker Happel –Integrative drogenhilfe e.v., Frankfurt,Germany
2 vice-presidents
Bjorn Hibell - CAN, Stockholm, Sweden
Patricia Pissarra – Linha Vida SOS Droga, Lisbon, Portugal
1 treasurer
Tapio Jaakkola – Irti Huumeista r.y., Helsinki, Finland
1 secretary
Annemarie Kok – Drugs Infolijn, Utrecht, Netherlands
2 board members
Aileen Dooley – Drugs/HIV Helpline, Dublin, Ireland
Tom Evenepoel – Druglijn, Brussels, Belgium
***A Permanent Office run by a Project Administration Manager (supported by an accountant and a web designer) who co-ordinates all the activities of the foundation, provides an organizational framework and ensure internal communication amongst the network members.
Current Project Administration Manager: Mariana MusatWorking Groups decide on, carry out and evaluate their activities, under the leadership of the person responsible for the group, linking up with the Executive Committee and the Board.
Current projects/working groups and their leaders:
- The monitoring and evaluation of data collected by European drug helpline services - Björn Hibell
- Communication materials: Philippe Bastin and Mark McLean
- Seminar and Report on Ad-hoc Lines: Hans Volker Happel
- Production of a Guidelines brochure: Tapio Jaakkola
- Ethnic Minorities Seminar: Hans Volker Happel
- Technical Reporting to the EC: Roseleen Hanton
- External Evaluation of FESAT: Patrick Kenis
- The network contains about 55 Associated Services across Europe. The Board members admit these associated services to FESAT. Details of how to become an Associated Service and of the advantages offered by this membership can be obtained from our Permanent Office
- There is an administrative board that takes responsibility for the administrative framework and financial planning of the foundation activities.
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